Davide Libenzi wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Sep 2007, Tracy wrote:
>> I am looking at making a few wildcard aliases, and I don't seem to be 
>> able to find anything in the documentation that says whether or not this 
>> will work as expected. So:
>> 1) Do aliases use the same StrIWildMatch function that is used in the 
>> SMTPUtils.cpp class?
>> 2) Are alias names allowed to contain a full email address? For 
>> instance, can "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" be an alias for a local user? 
>> (Note that I mean in the sense of being listed in aliases.tab, not 
>> whether it can be done at all.)
>> 3) Assuming that the answer to 2, above, is no, would a wildcard alias 
>> such as *.* work for grabbing any received email which contains a period 
>> in the user portion of the recipient name?
> Doesn't this answer to all you questions?
> http://www.xmailserver.org/Readme.html#aliases_tab

Actually, no, it doesn't... I did look at that before posting. It 
doesn't explicitly say whether or not the "alias" argument can contain a 
@domain.tld or not, and it doesn't say whether other wildcarding 
characters (such as ?) can be used. It does *imply* that it would work 
(by saying that foo*bog would be legit), but that still doesn't clarify 
whether the "alias" portion can contain a full email address (which 
would completely void the possibility of using "*.*", as that would 
match all possible email addresses).

I started to look at the code, then got a headache and never got back to 
it... So - the question on the table:

Will setting an alias of "*.*" potentially catch *all* mail (by 
potentially having a full email address set as an alias for a local 
user), or will it correctly catch "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" but *not* 

I'm only asking because I remember having had problems with "unexpected 
results" when filtering in spammers.tab using wild cards to catch things 
with periods in them. And I suppose I should probably just set up a 
dummy domain somewhere and test it, but if someone actually has an 
answer it would save me a few days of work....

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