On Wed, 3 Oct 2007, Fabian Cenedese wrote:

> Hi
> I'm using xmail on a Linux Ubuntu in a vmware machine on Windows XP.
> That's just for trying out but should still work fine. It usually works well
> but sometimes a POP3 or SMTP connection from the mail client is not
> closed immediately. I can see it in the debug output that "POP3 client
> connection from..." is written and the corresponding "POP3 client exit"
> comes like a minute later. And during this time of course I can't make
> another POP as the mailbox is locked (I think). So I get client errors
> like "connection aborted due to timeout or other failure" or "connection
> refused".
> The client in such a case returns immediately, for him the connection
> is closed.
> Now I don't know if this is a problem with xmail (probably not), with
> Linux, with vmware, with Windows or even something else. I just
> wanted to ask if anybody has seen errors like these or might know
> what could go wrong. Is anybody using xmail in a vmware machine?
> Anything else I should look out for?

You'd need to see what is happening at TCP/IP level, with tcpdump (or 
similar) running *not* on a vmware box.
The whole xmailserver.org services run on a UML (User Mode Linux) hosting 
at Linode, and it's working beautifully so far.

- Davide

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