Bonjour Davide,

R=E9ponse au message re=E7u le 07/01/2008 =E0 00:03 :

> On Sun, 6 Jan 2008, Filip Supera wrote:

>> Bonjour Davide,
>> >> Maybe Mihai will sort this out. All other mirrors but Italy,
>> >> Netherland and Eye-Catcher are showing 1.25. Italy is still showing
>> >> 1.22. May be you have to speak Italian to the webmaster. Should not be
>> >> a big problem :-)
>> > I'm really not the kind of guy that likes to beg for things like this =
>> > If the mirror is no more up to date, I'd rather prefer to drop it.
>> I understand.
>> What are the requirements to become a XMail mirror ? If you want to
>> have one in France, I think I can help.

> Honestly, to me, it bothers more when mirrors are not properly maintained,
> than not having them at all.
> A mirror requires a software that does proper sync (proper =3D=3D use HTTP
> HEAD instead of downloading each time everything) once or twice a day,

So, I thought a croned "wget -m"; would do
the job. I tested it but I get a few 404 :

When it says "Le fichier du serveur n'est pas plus r=E9cent que le
fichier local" it means the local file is the same as the remote one.

>  and
> an hostname for me to put as

Does that mean if I set Apache to answer to this domain name and give
you the IP address of the host it's ok ?

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