I think I found the problem. My log files have filled the var volume. Are those 
not supposed to rotate out?

I am using XMail 1.22, SpamAssassin 3.2.3.
I am sure that nothing else has changed. I'm always nervous about asking a 
question on here because my level of experience is far below you all so I 
triple checked all that I could before I posted but I had not noticed that Var 
being full. 

Charlie Qualls
Property/IT Manager
Girl Scouts - Fox Valley Council
200 New Bond Street 
Sugar Grove IL 60554
(630) 556-3122

> First you need to tell us more about your installation :
> - Os version ?
> - Others external tools like spamassassin used by xmail ?
> - Any other software running, especialy avscanners, ... ?
> - Sure nothing was 'updated'/'upgraded'/'changed'/'removed' before xmail had
> troubles ? no 'autoupdates' ?

> Then some initial points :
> - Some 'huge' activity at time of "action aborted" (like many incoming mails
> at short time (ddos ?), or many outgoing mails, or disk space, or messages
> size, ...)

> - Server 'clean' ? at hardware level ?
> at sofware level ? (sure not be hacked ? rootkits installed, ... Nerver say
> 'imposssible' without rechecking :) )

> Francis
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