On Sat, 31 Jan 2009, Ralf wrote:

> Unfortunately there seems to be no such setting in inn2.
> But the problem is a general one, for example also for the system "root"
> account.
> Here's my /etc/aliases file:
> # /etc/aliases
> #
> mailer-daemon: postmas...@amitrader.com
> postmaster: postmas...@amitrader.com
> nobody: postmas...@amitrader.com
> usenet: postmas...@amitrader.com
> news: postmas...@amitrader.com
> hostmaster: hostmas...@amitrader.com
> webmaster: hostmas...@amitrader.com
> www: hostmas...@amitrader.com
> ftp: hostmas...@amitrader.com
> abuse: postmas...@amitrader.com
> noc: hostmas...@amitrader.com
> security: hostmas...@amitrader.com
> root: hostmas...@amitrader.com
> But it seems to have no effect.
> I've also issued the 'newaliases' command on the Debian box
> as suggested when modifying the /etc/aliases file.
> Has nobody else had this problem?
> How to solve this?

You should really read Xmail's documentation. XMail has its own 
configuration, independent from the system one (since it runs on OSs other 
than Unix - and even though, most definitely every Unix is different from 
a configuration POV).

- Davide

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