There are a few cases in that XMail is distributing data randomly to 
various destinations (e.g. relay domains or internal spool folders - 
the code with "rand() % count"). It's not distributing the data 
evenly in theses cases, so you end up with e.g. one server getting or 
traffic or one spool folder being filled more than others. Especially 
the first case has been problematic for some of our customers. 

On a side note: all the different cases use basically the same logic, 
so fixing it in one case would actually fix all of them.

A collegue did quite some testing on it and here are his findings:

When using load balancing with more than 2 relays, XMail is unevenly 
distributing the load upon the configured relays. 

Here is an example of the distribution to 3 mailservers. The data was 
captured in a test running for 9 hours with approximately 25500 

1. relay: 55.31%
2. relay: 22.31%
3. relay: 22.36%

The reason for this behaviour is the randomization / shuffling code 
that is used for picking a mail relay to deliver an e-mail to.

Let's stick with the setup above using 3 mail relays. In this case 
the randomization code will choose only one relay in the list of 
available relays (floor(3 / 2)) and swap it with another relay, which 
is also chosen at random and completely indepent of the first choice. 
Thus, swapping the first with the first relay, the second with the 
second, etc. is a possible outcome.

The easiest way to visualize the randomization in this case is the 
following table:

        1     2     3
   1    x

   2          x     x

   3          x     x

The rows of this table represent the first chosen index of a relay, 
the colums denote the index of the second choice (and thus the relay 
that is swapped to the position of the first chosen relay). The 'x' 
in the table is set, whenever the first element in the list will not 
change (for example, swapping the second and the third relay).
As you can easily see in this table, in 5 out of 9 cases (55%) the 
first relay is not swapped to another position and, consequently, 55% 
of the e-mails get delivered to the first relay (which is almost 
exactly the number we have 
measured in our test environment).
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