Hi all

I use xmailserver since many years withou any kind of trouble, but 
since few months I'm experiencing some oddness in mail sending, so 
I'm here to ask you help to understand if it can be related to 
xmailserver wrong configuration, or if it depends on other stuffs.

The problem I have is the excessive delay in mail sending when using 
php scripts to send an email.

The machine is win2000 server, with php 4.4.9 and IIS 5

Using a standard mailer client (outolook, pegasus or any other one), 
all seems to go fine (I can't see any delay in mail sending)

When I try to use a script, I have the delay.

I have tested it in various scenarious:

1) NOCC webmail interface: if I write an email using a web browser, 
after sending it I have ~30-35 seconds of delay before receiving the 
next webpage indicating that the email has been sent.

2) joomla websites: after completing an order or filling & sending a 
form, the confirmation webpage (shown when the mail associated to the 
order or to the form has been sent) arrive to my browser after ~30-35 
second of delay

3) os commerce websites: the same as point 2

I'm not a mailserver and php scripts expert, so I can't understand if 
this situation may be related to something wrong in xmailserver 
configuration, or to normal operation performed by the system (i.e., 
a delay due to the time the mailserver requires to reach and scan the 
internet spamlist we use to reduce spam) or to any other possible 
wrong configuration in my system.

My goal is to reduce this delay to a reasonable time: I have to setup 
some ecommerce websites, and I can't ask to the customer to wait for 
30-40 seconds before receiving a reply from a website :-)

I hope someone could help me :-)

Thank you in advance


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