On Fri, 25 Sep 2009, CLEMENT Francis wrote:

> Hello Davide
> Context :
> Server : W2K server SP4, xmail 1.26
> WorkStation : W2K workstation SP4, ctrlclnt.exe copied from xmail 1.26
> server (so exactly same binary)
> When running CtrlClnt from the workstation all ok, output result is ok,
> ctrlclnt exit immediatly and exit code (errorlevel) is 0
> Same exactly command localy on the server, I get the same good output result
> , then ctrlclnt seems blocked for some seconds then finaly end but with exit
> code  1073807364 (decimal)
> It is not a urgent problem as remote is ok, and I manage 99%xmail remotely
> but wanted to tell you about this problem
> The only difference in result is the return code, making ctrlclnt usage
> impossible in batchs at server level (like some dump process, ...) :(
> Didn't try with a w2003 nor w2008 at server level (perhabs some having xmail
> on w2003 or w2008 could test and post results ?)

Using SSL or clear?

- Davide

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