On Wed, 14 Oct 2009, Oliver Stöneberg wrote:

> Thanks for the reply on my first mail. Here's a few more notes.
> SMAILUtils.cpp
> The function USmlExtractToAddress() is not used at all.

Right, by it stays.

> SMTPSvr.cpp
> In the function SMTPFilterMessage() a fflush() is performed before 
> the fclose(). I think this is unncessary as fclose() implies a 
> fflush() according to the manpage:
> "The  fclose()  function will flush the stream pointed to by fp 
> (writing any buffered output data using fflush(3)) and close the 
> underlying file descriptor."

I know that, but I don't remember ATM why I split the two operations.
I changed it now, and hopefully there was no real reason behind.

> SvrUtils.cpp
> The declaration of SvrAllocConfig() is lacking the pszProfilePath 
> parameter.

Fixed. As you might have noticed, I'm working through the XMail code to 
gradually drop all the static pre-declarations (when possible).

> SMTPSvr.cp
> The default value for "DefaultSmtpPerms" differs between the source 
> ("MR") and the exmaple configuration ("MRVZ").

"MRVZ" it is.

- Davide

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