On Thu, 31 Dec 2009, David Lord wrote:

> Hi
> frozlist.sh coredumps 
> Decided to read local mail before going to bed 
> tonight (daily and security reports), there was
> none so checked to see if any frozen files and
> had a core dump. That was with 1.27-pre08. I
> had same coredump when I went back to pre06,
> then back to 1.26 when frozlist script returned
> nothing and the missing mails appeared.
> Just tried to check for frozen files on live
> system that has pre06 and that also coredumps.
> When I run CntrlClnt from command prompt there
> seems to be no problem. When I revert that to
> 1.26 the frozlist.sh script runs ok (been using
> same script since 2006).

What is frozlist.sh?
Did I understand correctly that pre08+CtrlClnt did work?
Can you build in debug mode:

$ export XMAIL_DEBUG=1
$ make -f Makefile.bsd

Then run again and once you get the core:

$ gdb -c corefile path-to-xmail-binary
> bt full

Then send the report.

- Davide

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