
As usual, you have damn great answers and I will implement that and shared
with you the results.

Thank you very much for this approach !


De : [] De
la part de CLEMENT Francis
Envoyé : lundi 22 février 2010 16:06
À : 'XMail Users Mailing List'
Objet : Re: [xmail] Auto Reply

Hello Emmanel
No 'simple' solution except a autoreply script that use a blacklist
Or an 'intelligent' autoreply script that will do something like this (avoid
any 'loop' in any case, even not in autoreply blacklist) :
- Use a 'autoreply tracking' database that will keep track of
sender/receiver couple this last date of autoreply sent
- Define a 'resend delay' (say max 1 per day or 1 per two days, ....)
- when activating 'autoreply' for a receiver email, delete any old entry in
db for this 'receiver'
- On new mail for this receiver (with autoreply activated)
    if sender/receiver couple no present in db, add entry in db with today
as last autoreply send, and send autoreply
    else (sender/receiver addresses couple present in db) :
      if date of last autoreply send is older than 'resend' delay, update db
entry (last date autoreplay now today) and send autoreply again
      else don't send autoreply, dont change db entry
- when removing 'autoreply' on receiver, delete any old entries in db for
this receiver
So in your ebay case, assuming a "1 per day" resend delay, system will send
an autoreply on 'ebay' only on first mail der day for this 'autoreply
enabled' receiver
-----Message d'origine-----
De : []de
la part de Emmanuel Gonzalez
Envoyé : lundi 22 février 2010 13:39
À : 'XMail Users Mailing List'
Objet : [xmail] Auto Reply
                               Hi There,

I'm using an Autoreply script that works fine with Xmail (in perl).

I had an issue with Ebay last week and don't know how to handle it. When
activated, the script replied to an email from ebay (nore...@ebay...) and
then ebay sent an email saying "no reply" and the script replied etc...
In less than one day, 300 000 mails in the mailbox... I had to remove the
script for this user.

Is there someone here who had already that kind of problem and found a way
to fix it ?

Any idea / suggestion ?


Emmanuel Gonzalez

xmail mailing list

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