
I got one problem, with XMail POP
When I get Email by mail client

The message download not arrange by date timestamp it look like random

I need to sort by my self on mail client setting.

*Problem 1:*
iPhone POP Email, for default iphone cannot pop all Email in server side as the one time. ex. per time/ 25 mail need to click manual

it mean if I has a lot of mail in server side > 100, I cannot see new Email on iPhone. because some time download old Email 20 mail, today Email 5 mail.

*Problem 2:*
Mail client Ex. Becky, if download new Email the date never arrange, need to click arrange by self any time when open Becky.

It has any option to setting, ex. download email new timestamps first?

Rittikorn L.
xmail mailing list

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