> Where on earth did you find this documented? 

It sort of makes sense. Documentation mentions that, if mailproc.tab
exists, every line in it will be processed. And you actually need to put
"MAILBOX" in it in order to put an e-mail in the mailbox (if
mailproc.tab exists...). Most often, if you don't use "MAILBOX", you
will be using "REDIRECT" or something else. But documentation doesn't
say that some sort of default beheaviour will apply of mailproc.tab is
empty. So by not mentioning such a default it somehow does document the
/dev/null behaviour :-)

Bart Mortelmans

Op 15/04/12 21:07, md schreef:
> Where on earth did you find this documented?
> Thanks for the answer,
> Marco Diener
> On 4/15/2012 2:50 PM, Bart Mortelmans wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If you create an e-mail address in XMailserver that has a
>> mailprob.tab, but the mailproc.tab is empty, then this will simply
>> /dev/null the mails sent to that address.
>> It is important to note that the mailproc.tab should exist (but be
>> empty). Not having a mailproc.tab will default to "mailbox".
>> Sincerely,
>> Bart Mortelmans
>> On 15-apr.-2012, at 20:30, md wrote:
>>> Does anybody know how to route all mail not in the white list
>>> into the permanent trash can?
>>> For example, when we send out emails for a newsletter, we want the
>>> reply to address to be:  nore...@xmailserver.com
>>> in aliases.tab I have:
>>> "xmailserver.com"    TAB    "*"    "junk...@xmailserver.com"
>>> But I do not want the XMAIL server to even store this email since it
>>> will not be picked up ever by an email client and I do not want
>>> these messages taking up disk space in some queue file or directory.
>>> Anybody have an idea on how to either accept the email into a black
>>> hole
>>> or reject the email outright.
>>> md
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