On Sun 27 Jan 2002 at 11:37:33 +0900, Shyouzou Sugitani wrote:

> Is the default view port always set to (0,0)?  I think it is safe to
> call XDGASetViewport(,,0,0,) in xf86_dga2_create_display().

Well, the documentation doesn't say anything on this. You suspect that
the viewport may be in an undefined initial state ? But on the other
hand, (0,0) could be out of the supported viewport location range. Yes,
I'm too pedantic. :-)

Fortunatly, the doc says : "Not all locations may be supported by the
hardware and requested locations will be adjusted according to the
xViewPortStep and yViewPortStep fields in the XDGAMode."

So while I'm pretty sure that XDGASetMode() would bring us in a good
enough state (it does, tested with my path), we are sure that doing the
initialization ourself with XDGASetViewport(,,0,0,) won't hurt. You are
right, it's safe.


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