* Aluminum Foil Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 06:54:41PM -0600, Frank Cox wrote:
> > I finally got around to updating my history.dat file as I've been
> > using an ancient version.  The one I got is this:
> > http://fandemame.emu-france.com/T%E9l%E9chargement/history0.59.zip
> > 
> > grustibus can't read it, apparently.  The red "info" indicator is
> > on for the appropriate games, but clicking that tab gives me a
> > blank space where the history should be.  xmame reads and shows
> > the same file just fine though when you select history from the
> > in-game menu.

Frank: This sounds like the bug that was fixed by Shyouzou Sugitani a
couple of months back.  Are you using 0.43 or the CVS version?

> You're lucky.  It segfaults for me when rebuilding the list.  Runs fine if
> I remove the history.dat file.

Ouch! Which version of gRustibus and xmame? Which history.dat file?

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