Lawrence Gold wrote:

On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 12:54:45PM -0500, Simon Roby wrote:

>Hmpf. The GNU General Public Licence is such a pain. It's supposed to make
>software free (as in free speech), yet it forces so many restrictions
>regarding its use in conjunction with other licences that one wonders how
>GPL'd software can be actually considered free.

In this respect, BSD and similar licences are certainly more liberal/free.

P.S. There was some discussion on the MAME list about relicensing MAME as
GPL. If it happens, it might not be for a version or two, but at least
it's a possibility. This would make such things a lot easier.
Does anyone have a link to these recent discussions? I was under the impressions that this would probably NEVER happen.


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