Matthias wrote:
> BTW, what's with this "one directory with one single file per hard drive
> image"? Wouldn't it have been easier to either add a path where all chd
> files reside (like for the roms), or to have them simply put in the same
> directory as the roms? Is it because some soon-to-be-emulated games have
> more than a single hard drive?
> Just out of curiosity...

Because then the chd's are at the same level as the roms, samples etc.
i.e roms can reside in:\rom1

chd's therefore reside in:
(Obviously the whole point of the custom format is to avoid having to
read the whole thing into memory from a zip)

They don't necessarily have to be named the same as the game. And yes,
theoretically you could have multiple hd's (and/or cd's) for a game, or maybe split
a HD to avoid some (eg Fat16/32) filesize limits (i.e. .chd, .ch0,


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