On Friday 14 February 2003 11:28 am, Steve Freeland wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 02:19:35PM +1300, mdew wrote:
> > is this possible?
>       At the moment, no; Windows MAME and xmame use different
> network protocols.  For this to work, one of two things has to happen:
> a) the Windows MAME network protocol (Kaillera) could be ported
>    to Linux & co.  The problem with this is that Kaillera is
>    closed-source and although the authors have indicated that they might
>    consider opening it, as far as I know they've made no moves to do so.
> b) The xmame network protocol could be ported to Windows.  The only
>    thing stopping this is that no one seems to be interested and able to
>    do it.  Know anyone?

my impression is that windows wont be ready for network support until there is 
a client gui that sets up connections on a server like kallera does.   You 
could ask the win32 guys though if they'd be interested in porting it.

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