out of curiosity, have you tried any other application that uses the
joystick, i.e. ZSNES, Gens, etc? that'd be the first thing I'd try.
failing that, does cat /dev/input/js0 do anything when you press
buttons, move joystick?

On Mon, 2003-11-17 at 00:40, Mark Wells wrote:
>  I am having great difficulty getting Xmame to recognize my Thrustmaster
> joystick under Slackware 9.0. 
>  I start Xmame with xmame -jt 4 <romname> and get the following outpur:
> [snip]
> Using a Visual with a depth of 24bpp.
> MIT-SHM Extension Available. trying to use... Success.
> Using Shared Memory Features to speed up
> Actual bits per pixel = 32... Ok
> I386 joystick interface initialization...
> Joystick: /dev/js0 is THRUSTMASTER Top Gun Afterburner
> Joystick: Built in driver version: 2.1.0
> Joystick: Kernel driver version  : 2.1.0
> OSD: Info: Joystick 0, 7 axis, 8 buttons
> Using 16bpp video mode
>  I think that Xmame sees the joystick to some degree, but the only thing
> that actually works in any of the games is button 0, which in Ms Pacman
> gives an instand speed burst.
>  I've tried the other i386 driver as well and it gets about the same
> results.
>  I hope this isn't an RTFM - my apologies if it is, and any help would
> be appreciated regardless.
>  Thank you,
> Markus
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