xmame/xmess-0.79.1 is now available. Thanks to all those who make these releases possible.

You can download a patch against 0.78.1 from


or the full source tarball from


Changes since 0.78.1:

* Everything from MAME 0.79 (http://x.mame.net/changes-mame.html) and MESS 0.79 (http://x.mame.net/changes-mess.html).
* Added a missing osd_die() definition. Without this, OpenVMS was reporting a compile error.
* More changes to support OpenVMS. (Robert Alan Byer)
* Updated the ALSA DSP module to use the ALSA 1.0 API. (Shyouzou Sugitani)
* Paths now allow a literal "$" if it's preceded by "\". (Andre Majorel)
* The JOY_SDL option should now actually work with non-SDL targets. (Gorka Olaizola)
* Fixed a segfault that occurred when "-debug" was used with a rotated game.
* The debugger window should no longer be blank for 32bpp games.
* Fixed a bug in fix-comments.c that was causing it to mangle src/drivers/vendetta.c.
* When XINPUT is defined in the makefile but no XInput devices are configured, the mouse is treated as a trackball. (Gerd Sussner)
* Added SYSCONFDIR to the makefile to specify a path for systemwide configuration files. (Nicos Panayides)
* Hacked support for CHD files into the mame-cd script in the contrib tools directory. Also fixed a few small bugs.
* The Xv YUV code should now work on big-endian platforms. (Maciej J. Woloszyk)
* Removed "neomame" and "cpsmame" as targets from the makefile since the core no longer supports them.
* The trigger for the ACT LABS TV light gun now works; reloading now requires only one offscreen shot instead of two. (Joe)

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