On Mon, Jul 26, 2004 at 09:42:41PM +0200, Anthony Whitehead wrote:

> Thanks for your reply, but thats exactly how its currently working for me.
> I can add complete new devices without much problem, the problem is
> assigning individual axis to input devices. Since a spinner only needs a
> single axis, then a single mouse can provide 2 spinners, one on the X and
> the other on the Y. Seems a real shame to have to use 4 USB inputs for
> 4 spinners when half of the axis will be unused. I'm hoping for config that
> in plain english would say:
> XInput-trackball1-axis-x is spinner1
> XInput-trackball1-axis-y is spinner2
> XInput-trackball2-axis-x is spinner3
> XInput-trackball2-axis-y is spinner4
> If I can't get this to work I'm going to end up with a grand total of 11 USB
> connections for my analog devices =) and thats without a separate mouse
> and keyboard (not usually connected).

Invest in a good USB hub (heh)...

I don't *think* that the current XInput setup in xmame allows for this
at all; the XInput devices are set up to take, well, XInput devices
(mice or joysticks).  What you *may* be able to do is create a
plethora of virtual devices under X--find a way, for example, to take
/dev/input/mouse0 and map it under X to "mouse1a" for normal XY
mapping and then "mouse1b" with the axes reversed, thus presenting one
mouse as two devices to X (and thus to MAME).  If xmame is taking the
x axis of trackball1 as spinner1 and the x axis of trackball2 as
spinner2, you get two spinners from one mouse.

Of course, there's the dicey problem of not knowing how to swap axes
for an XInput device under X; I don't see a ton of support for that,
unfortunately (in terms of "Options" settings in XF86Config-4).  /shrug.


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