On Jul 31, 2004, at 12:30 PM, Albert Mestre wrote:

I have compiled for GLX X-MAME-0.84-1 but I'll have questions about the
I have extracted the sources with the next command:
tar -jxvf xmame-0.84.1.tar.bz2
because this don't compile I have to patch the sources:
patch -p1 <  0.84.1-0.84.2-preview.diff
Is this the correct form to patch the sources? or is there another

That's correct.

I have left MY_CPU as i386 but I have a pentium 4. Is this correct or I
have another option? Thanks in advance.

This is correct. In this case, i386 really means generic x86.

(I have only modified this, the rest is unchanged)
Is there anything more that I can select in order to make a better MAME?

You might be able to tweak the CFLAGS a bit to gain more speed; it's hard to say what will help without testing, but you might find some hints here:


And for a last question:
I have a soundblaster 5.1 live working with ALSA
I have a NVidia:
OpenGL Driver Information:
        vendor: NVIDIA Corporation,
        renderer GeForce2 MX/AGP/SSE2,
        version 1.4.0 NVIDIA 44.96
These xmame running parameters found in XMAMERC.DIST for MAME are OK?

If the defaults work well for you, they're probably fine.

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