> Could you try leaving GLCFLAGS set to libglut instead of libglx and see
> how that works? Someone else on the list reported problems with libglx
> not getting loaded.

With libglut, everything is OK (but I still have the glPolygonOffsetEXT not 
implemented error - I don't really know what this means).

** Message: xmame: GLINFO: loaded OpenGL library /usr/lib/libGL.so!
** Message: xmame: GLINFO: loaded GLU    library /usr/lib/libGLU.so!
** Message: xmame: GLINFO: glPolygonOffsetEXT (3): not implemented !

However, I still have the upper left to lower right black line. Is this an 
OpenGL driver problem or due to GLMame ?

I certainly don't have the knowledge to help you correct this bug, but I can 
easily test patches or diffs if you need to.

Thanks anyway for the fix.

Cariad Ilmàra
If we don't take care of the customer, maybe they'll stop bugging us. 
--Demotivators www.despair.com

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