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On Tuesday 17 August 2004 23.52, henri wrote:
> how much cpu power do you need for the newer chd gun games?
> is 1ghz enough?
Nope, forget the budget CPU's, if you will mostly be playing CHD
games you should be looking at good well-matched hardware. Don't
even think about VIA C3 type CPU's they may say 1Ghz, but for tasks
such as XMAME even a P3 800MHz or an old GHz AMD Duron will outgun
the C3, that said the VIA's make wonderful TV boxen =) but I digress.
A cheap-ish set of good hardware would be for example:

- -Athlon XP (the best bang for the buck as I write this is the Barton version 
with the 2500 rating, this is unlocked for overclocking and most will run
at a 2800 or 2900 rating without generating much more heat, a great CPU)
Avoid the non-Barton versions as they run much hotter and are difficult to
overclock. If you can't get the 2500, try to get one of the faster ones you
might find a bargin anyways.
appx: $50

- -A good quality dual path RAM motherboard, you can get nforce2 chipset
MB's for very reasonable prices these days. Try to stick to a named brand
such as ASUS, ABit etc.. though. Most of the better brands use the better
south bridge nforce2 version which includes a passable 6 channel audio.
Also the nforce2 boards will usually have at least 6 USB ports for devices.
Other good chipsets are the later model VIA's but they tend to be a little
more expensive on the sites I shop at.
appx: $60-80

- -Reasonable RAM, this is the most expensive single part, you will want to
have 512Mb, more is good but you wont want to have much less as 256Mb
will be tight for some things. The best thing to do here is buy one of the
mid-range brands such as TwinMOS or whichever is cheapest on the day.
You'll want 2x 256Mb modules to take advantage of the dual channel feature,
just make sure you plug the modules into the right slots to make it work.
appx: $80-120

- -Get the cheapest MODERN hardisk you can find, there are no harddisks on
the market these days that are slow enough to make a difference to MAME.
That said, if you are going to be using your cabinet as a server too, you 
might want to splash out on a better/bigger disk.
appx: $40

total appx: $230-300

I tend to add an extra 4 port USB card to my machines, its a small cost for
the extra ports, usually cheaper than a hub =)

Please share your comments with the list, especially if someone out there
has another point of view about my choices. I'm always open to good

For a MAME box, you don't need the best hardware, but starting out with
good quality parts, you are much less likely to run into bottleneck problems
with performance. And if you decide you need more CPU or RAM, you know
you can safely upgrade a fair way without making the rest of the system

> going the easy way (i hope). ordered a j-pac and arcadevga,
> picking up a 19" jamma cab locally. gotta find a computer
> for it now
Good equipment and a good choice, I made my first cab the same way. I've
decided that the cab I'm building now is going to be XMame but with an
I-pac4 and a TV instead. Just waiting on the wood sheets to arrive now =)

- -- 
/Anthony Whitehead
Unix Sysadmin
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