I have two questions:

1- It is still neccesary to launch the 32 bpp
games with xv + yv12 . Or it has
some other way to see them in 16bpp desktops . I'm
just dowloading the 0.86 but has the 15bpp
something to mess with it ?

2-Someone has do anything with the lang files
?I've done some translation on the it.lang file
that was mentioned some time ago but there is some
strings I think only refer to the mame32 GUI so I
skipped it and some strings that I can't get to
get translated in the ingame gui (not I couldn't
translate them but don't know how it should
referrred to ) anyone has a list of strings and
the way ithey should be placed or it can be
obtained .
I have the translated file quite messed but could
try to send it when I be able to clean it up

Sorry for the bad english .The work you do is
awesome I just get to compile the 0.85 the day
before yesterday.
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