Same problem here, but it doesn't seem to be related only to cps/2 game.
I see the same screen shifting with joust, and I can hardly find a game
which doesn't segfault when pressing escape (pbobble3 is one of them).


Selon Jeremy Gregorio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>     This is Kinda weird. I just compiled xmame .86 with the nvidia glx's
> under slackware 10 (kernel Now whenever I start a cps/2 game
> the left 1/4 of the screen is wrapped over on the right side. I tried
> compiling with only defalt optimizations but still have the problem. The
> games do run (although I get a segfault when I exit). I've used this
> hardware to run xmame before under slack 9.1 (but probably with the mesa
> libs if memory serves). I haven't run into the problem with xmame .80.
> I'm running nvidia's latest drivers here (6111) and I've got a Geforce
> TI 4200 which has had some issues in the past (I've had to play with
> FSAA settings to get things displaying right), but this problems a new
> one to me. Anyone run into this yet? Thanks again.
> Jeremy Gregorio
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