On Wed, 2004-09-08 at 21:26 -0400, Bruno Barrera C. wrote:
> I've invited some friends to test the xmame packages that I've build,
> and they have some troubles with them.
Are you interested in working together? I've been maintaining my own set
of xmame packages for a couple of years and I believe they are of much
better quality than the official Debian packages.
Sources/binaries at: http://anarxia.dyndns.org/debian

> I've searched in Google for some answers but I got nothing, anyway feel
> free to push me if I'm not reading some important
> changelog/documentation, etc.
Romsets sometimes change between mame versions so it's not a problem
with your packages but a change in mame that caused it.

The easiest way of dealing with this is to use advancescan or another
rom manager to fix those that can be fixed and download the missing

Good luck with the packages.


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