
Great! I am using GXmame but i am running KDE so i will test this when i have 
more time...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Toan T Nguyen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Xmame@toybox.twisted.org.uk
Subject: [Xmame] Announcing kxmame frontend
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 10:05:50 -0700

> Hello everyone,
> I'm announcing another Xmame Fronend: kxmame. It's a KDE port the excellent
> gxmame frontend. kxmame reuses all non-GUI codes from gxmame so it's fully
> compartible with gxmame. All your existing gxmame options will be
> preserved in kxmame and vice versa. The small advantage of kxmame over
> gxmame is that being a KDE application, you'll get for free a fully
> customizable toolbar where you can add, remove, change icons to your
> heart's content. For e.g., in the screenshots (at the project
> webpage), I show an
> "Executable selection" button on the toolbar.
> At the moment, kxmame is of beta quality (only few gxmame options not yet
> implemented, but you can always set these options using gxmame). Kxmame can
> be obtained by CVS. Please take a look at
>         http://sourceforge.net/projects/kxmame
> (the configure script in cvs is old. Please run 'make -f Makefile.cvs'
> to generate a new one).
> I will appreciate testing and bugs report for a 0.35beta2-1.0 
> release of kxmame.
> Very bests,
> Toan
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