Toan T Nguyen wrote:

I'm playing around with xmess recently and noticed that the
displayaspectratio is incorrectly implemented in xmess. My laptop has
a 1280x800 resolution, so I use the option

-keepaspectratio -displayaspectratio=1.60

to run xmame/xmess. It works perfectly in xmame, but in xmess it makes
a circle an elliptical (width > height). Is it a bug, or did I set the
option wrong ?

1.60 could be wrong, display aspect ratio should be width / height, so its 1.33 for a normal 4/3 screen and 1.77 for a widescreen TV, were talking real width and height here in mm not in pixels. If 1.60 is correct for your displays width/height in mm (or inches if you prefer) then you may have found a bug. I assume this is with opengl or XV? just plain X11 doesn't honor -keepaspectratio, as this requires arbritary scaling. There is an option todo this with the plain X driver too, which uses arbritary y scaling, see --help I forgot how its called, maybe perfectheight or something.



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