
I just got this report, and after checking, it appears that in the xmame
0.105 sources, the xmess.6 man page is actually an old version of the
xmame.6 man page.
Not sure how, when or why that happened, but it might be worth fixing or
removing the xmess man page altogether until a proper one is available.



Begin forwarded message:

Date: Tue, 09 May 2006 02:19:06 -0400
From: Andre Robatino
To: matthias at rpmforge.net
Subject: Freshrpm's xmess includes xmame's man page

  Even though the Freshrpms xmess RPM includes


upon inspection this turns out to be the man page for xmame.  The man 
page for xmess is nowhere to be found.

Matthias Saou                                World Trade Center
-------------                                Edificio Norte 4 Planta
System and Network Engineer                  08039 Barcelona, Spain
Electronic Group Interactive                 Phone : +34 936 00 23 23

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