On Thu, 19 Apr 2007 09:16:18 +0200
 "Laurent Desnogues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 4/18/07, Kris B. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I tried both the ati and radeon drivers in my xorg.conf (running xorg

By radeon driver you mean the open source driver for ATI cards?
If no, then you should give it a try, it's supposed to be less buggy
than ATI proprietary driver...

That is correct, the open source driver. AFAIK there is no driver from ATI directly for this model card.

BTW xorg 6.9 is a bit old. Can't you upgrade it?

Nope, for Mandriva 2006, 6.9 is as high as it goes in the repositories. I don't want to switch to SDLMAME because I want to keep my Mame version at .106 before the upgrades, and I like using kxmame as my frontend...

Regarding ATI in general, I have taken the decision years ago not
to buy a card from them due to their buggy drivers for Linux.  My
understanding is that the situation is not that better nowadays
(take a look for instance at SDLMAME forum).

Well, the weird thing is that opengl works in everything else, so my guess is it is a setting that needs to be worked out. Changing the refresh rates does change the flicker rate, so that must be part of the equation. Even though it is an LCD monitor, there is something about the refresh rate that is part of it. Since I get no other errors in other programs, there has to be an answer in my settings. I have tried to take a framecap of it, but when I do, the full screen is visable without an artifact. I guess I need to use my digital camera to try and capture it.

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