Hi All,

thanks to Julian and Gunnar.. I have fixed the bug he found ..

It's checked into the SVN repository.

A tar bz2 ball is available at :


Other SDLMAME patches are in the same directory ;-)


Cheers, Sven


2007-05-31 Sven Gothel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    FIX: Bad configuration situation:
        - invalid mame/mess executable, or
        - no SDLMAME .ini configuration (no roms found)

    - flush all rom status in the beginning of gameAudit(),
      so we make sure they are all invalid before testing them.

    - extra hint in gameAudit(), if no good rom's were found.

    - show directory configuration dialog,
      if no valid executable is set in the beginning.

    It should work easy now ..

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