I am trying to use libxml DTD handlers.
I have the following below example
<!ELEMENT p (#PCDATA | %font; | %phrase; | %special; | %form;)* >
This call back xmlSAX2ElementDecl , takes xmlElementContentPtr
Whose data Structure is
struct _xmlElementContent {
    xmlElementContentType     type; /* PCDATA, ELEMENT, SEQ or OR */
    xmlElementContentOccur    ocur; /* ONCE, OPT, MULT or PLUS */
    const xmlChar             *name;    /* Element name */
    struct _xmlElementContent *c1;  /* first child */
    struct _xmlElementContent *c2;  /* second child */
    struct _xmlElementContent *parent;  /* parent */
    const xmlChar             *prefix;  /* Namespace prefix */
What are these first child and second child ptrs .
Can anyone explain with the above example .

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