Thank you very much, Daniel

On 9/10/07, Daniel Veillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 06, 2007 at 07:22:21PM -0300, Bruno Dilly wrote:
> > Indeed, the rss is not-well-formed. Is it possible to load an external
> > dtd not included in the rss?
>   Yes separately to validate a document. See the documentation.
> What you can't or should NOT try to do is to process something which
> is not well-formed to make it work if it's not XML.
>   If an RSS feed is broken, DROP IT, then people will fix it !
> If you don't I think you make a disservice to the users, and you have
> no garantee from me that what you did to make it work with libxml2
> will continue to work in the future.
> > For example, can I load
> > before parse the
> > file? And is possible to load it from a local file? How could I do it?
>  What do you want to do ? You can use a separated DTD to validate an
> already parsed well-formed XML file. That's possible in the API. What you
> can't do is to modify the parsing to fake a non-existent DTD.
> If you want to  have the DTD local see the catalog support, there is a
> page describing it, and it's a standard.
> Daniel
> --
> Red Hat Virtualization group
> Daniel Veillard      | virtualization library
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit
> | Rpmfind RPM search engine
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