Hi All,
I'm having two issues when using libxml and its with my code only.
But please let me know, how to get this fixed.

1. A problem with the memory issue, I guess.

    With the below piece of code, in the constructor I have already created
a xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext(tree);
    And then, I have written a xpatheval method, which gets the path to be
    Because I evaluate the xpath expression in many places, I have written
this method.
    But with this, sometimes there is a segmentation fault in the
xmlXPathEvalExpression( ) call.
    (when executing 10 times, twice it gives segv). How can I debug the
memory issues with the libxml api's call
    or what could be wrong here?

xmlNodeSetPtr OTAccess::OTxmlXPathEvalExpression(string path)
    const xmlChar* cpath = xmlCharStrdup(path.c_str());
    xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(cpath, xpathCtx);
    return (xpathObj->nodesetval);

2. Another problem is, I wrote a test program which sets the content of an
    using xmlNodeSetContent(pnode, ""), which is working

    But when I used it in my actual code, xmlNodeSetContent(pnode, ""), it gives the following error.

Access.cpp:100: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'const
Access.cpp:100: error:   initializing argument 2 of 'void
xmlNodeSetContent(xmlNode*, const xmlChar*)'

     Should I need to type cast to const xmlChar*. Even then, how it worked
in the test program.

Please help me to fix these problems.

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