I am trying to build libxml2 ( static lbrary.
I was able to build with the options as I needed only SAX2 .

./configure --prefix=${SRCROOT}/../build/debug --disable-shared
--disable-ipv6 --without-catalog --without-debug  --without-docbook
--without-fexceptions --without-ftp --without-history --without-html
 --without-http  --without-iconv --without-legacy --without-mem-debug -
--with-output  --with-push --without-python --with-reader --without-readline
--without-regexps --without-run-debug --without-sax1  --without-valid
--without-xinclude --without-xpath --without-xptr --without-xpath
--without-modules --without-zlib --without-coverage

To reduce the size of my build , I tried to include the -with-minimum=yes
that throws 4 errors
./configure --prefix=${SRCROOT}/../build/debug --enable-static
--disable-shared --with-minimum=yes

*runxmlconf.c:160: error: syntax error before 'ctxtXPath'*

*runxmlconf.c:179: error: invalid type argument of '->'*

*runxmlconf.c:160: error: syntax error before 'ctxtXPath'*

*runxmlconf.c:179: error: invalid type argument of '->'*

Any ideas to why this would happen ?
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