I have two versions of my codebase with pretty minimal changes.  Here's the
call to xmlSetProp

     xmlAttr *elem = xmlSetProp(element->xml_obj,
                                               (const xmlChar*)*name,
                                               (const xmlChar*)*value);

The var element->xml_obj is a xmlNodePtr.

In the old version of the code this produced a valid attribute.  In the new
version it doesn't.  This is part of a non-trivial codebase that is
integrated with google v8 so provided more context is difficult.  I've
checked all of the values and they seem valid.  But elem always ends up
being null.  Any idea where/how I should start to debug?

On a related note, I would like to enable the libxml2 debugging functions,
e.g. xmlDebugDumpNode.  What's the easiest way to do that?  Do I need to
recompile or can I just include another header file from somewhere?


Marco Rogers

Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond
to it.
- Lou Holtz
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