
I was wondering if I could bouce an idea off you. I have an old legacy 
system with a COM component that we are trying to do some work on (pay 
back some technical debt). The component uses xerces already but seeing as 
libxml2 is much more robust I decided to use it in the newer sections of 
the component. When I included libxml2 in the build, I get the link 
warnings below .. 

1>LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'mfc80ud.lib' conflicts with use of 
other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
1>LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'mfcs80ud.lib' conflicts with use of 
other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library

With libxml2 included in the com component it fails to load (even after 
regristration). I've checked the manifest files for the component and 
libxml2 is present. I'm wondering if it's this link warning thats causing 
my problem? Should I try to rebuild libxml2 with the settings below?

The build settings for my app are MD(d) so we are linking dynamically with 
MSVCRT.dll.  It is unfortunately using bits from the MFC also. And here's 
a list of the preprocessor flags: 


We are working with VC2005 so Version 8 of the compiler I believe. 

Thanks for your help,



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