You can write a third schema file that
   - imports the schema file with the type definition
   - includes the schema file using them (for other definitions)
and run whatever against this new "top level" file.

-W wrote:
> Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2012 12:53:14 +0530
> From: Abhishek padmanabh <>
> To:
> Subject: [xml] Working with base schema definitions
> Message-ID:
>       <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hi,
> I am using libxml2 in C++. I have 2 xsd files with one defining some
> types in a target namespace and the other using them. I have those
> files as a list of text/string objects. Hence, those documents don't
> provide xs:import and schemaLocation attribute for it (most probably
> because owner of those XSDs don't want to create a file system
> dependency.
> xmlSchemaValidateDoc() hence fails to validate the document with an
> error that a type from base schema is missing and rightly so because
> the API only takes a single schema file's validation context as the
> first argunent.
> Any ideas how I can provide 2 schema files to libxml2 without explicit
> dependencies such that it is able to find types in respective
> namespaces from base schema document. Or if not then if there is any
> other way to achieve this? Btw, xerces-c++ was able to handle this
> successfully.
> Thanks and regards,
> Abhishek Padmanabh
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