Respected Sir,

    While working in a project I have faced huge problems with malformed XML 
files. Most of the times few opening or closing tags are missing in those files 
and some times though XML is not malformed but it is not matching with the DTD. 
It is very very hard to fix this by hand because XMLs are very big more than 30 
MB to 2 GB.

    So I am looking for a open source tool which can detect and fix the 
malformed xml with the help of a DTD or XSD automatically(at least where there 
is no ambiguity). But till now I am unable to find such a tool. But after 
googling it seems to me that we can write such tool using GNU libxml open 
source library.

    But I am not sure how to implement this and which API functions I should 
use. Please help me to write such an application. I am proficient in c and c++. 
It would be very much helpful if you provide me some information on this.

    If there is any already available free tool or open source for this purpose 
then also please let me know.

Subrata Dasgupta
xml mailing list, project page

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