Hi Vojtech,

Although an XML document may only have a single document (root) element, an 
external entity does not have this restriction.

Take for example two documents, foo.xml and bar.xml:

foo.xml contains:

<!DOCTYPE foo [
  <!ENTITY bar SYSTEM "bar.xml">

and bar.xml contains:


then foo.xml is well-formed. bar.xml, if used as a standalone document, is not 

I sometimes use this trick for log files. The application writes log entries to 
the equivalent of bar.xml, one (parent) element per line. When I want to 
process the log file I use the equivalent of foo.xml.

Steve Ball

On 02/10/2013, at 6:13 PM, Vojtech Fried <vfr...@opentext.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a slightly philosophical question. XML specs says that there can be 
> only one root element in a XML document. However, libxml allows you to have 
> any number of element children in a document node. Starting from a valid 
> document, you can add or remove child elements of the document node freely. 
> You get an error when you try to e.g. save such a document.
> My view is that it is a “loophole”. Single root element is not enforced, 
> because you could need in some situations to temporarily  have an empty 
> document or a document with multiple root elements. But you should not rely 
> on it and try to have a single root element most of the time.
> My coworker views it as a “feature” that allows you to e.g. easily merge two 
> documents into one (they can have different root elements names). And then 
> use XPaths on this merged document in (almost) the same way as you would with 
> the two original documents.
> What would you say? Why is there this single root element rule anyway?
> The reason I am asking is that our software was written in a way that 
> exploits this “loophole” (uses this “feature”), but now when extending some 
> functionality I get those XML errors. But it is also hard to fix without 
> breaking backward compatibility…
> Thanks.
> Vojtech
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