I hate to be a nag, but here I am again.

Is there any theoretical or design reason not to apply this patch to
tree.c? As I mentioned, working with HTML fragments to build we pages is a
pretty common task. Being able to traverse entity children on such a
fragment would be useful. I suspect this was just an oversight.

Comments? Concerns?

On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 2:59 PM, Kyle VanderBeek <ky...@kylev.com> wrote:

> Apologies for the self-serving inquiry, but I thought I'd come over and
> address an issue I found over in Ruby-land (Nokogiri) while working with
> some HTML fragments in a Rails application.
> I noticed that the suite of "element children" functions
> (xmlChildElementCount, xmlFirstElementChild and xmlLastElementChild) don't
> work on document fragments. However, it's something I frequently want to do
> while inspection partial sections of templates that would later be rolled
> into a complete web page.
> Is there any standards- or design-based reason for this? I'd like to
> convince the Nokogiri maintainers to include this functionality, but I
> don't want to cause a divergence in behavior from libxml2.
> I worked up a really simple patch and attached it to my bug
> <https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=733900>.
> --
> ky...@kylev.com
>   Some people have a way with words, while others... erm... thingy.

  Some people have a way with words, while others... erm... thingy.

Attachment: fix_frag_elements.patch
Description: Binary data

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