
I have a behavior I am not sure to be correct using XmlTextWriter...
I create an XML file with encoding UTF-8. In this file some strings may 
contents some ISO Latin 1 character such as 'É' '°' and so on...
In order to prevent an error with a non UTF-8 character when validating the XML 
file I detect strings that hold non UTF-8 char (using xmlCheckUTF8) and convert 
them using isolat1ToUTF8. As a result I have the character reference É for 
'É' in XML. C9 is the hexadecimal, so this is correct but I would expected the 
UTF-8 character 'É' instead not it's hexadecimal representation...

Maybe am I doing something wrong: I create my document this with
xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "UTF-8", NULL);
and use xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(writer, ... to write data...

Thanks for any hints,

Stephane Michaut

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