I have a large XML file, but a fairly basic and flat layout. Depending on the number of elements, I'm hitting a nodeset limit.

I'm surprised to hit the nodeset limit because it seems like the xpath can ignore (ie. not store) all of the "Term" elements--which are causing the error.

If I reduce the number of "Term" elements then it works fine.

libxml2 version 2.9.12

I can repro the issue with xmllint

Here's a basic XML to demonstrate the behavior (this example is stripped down for demonstration purposes, the XPath makes more sense in the real-world use case):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Elements id="5M_Elements">
        <!-- 5 Million more Term elements... -->

Here's what I get for the XPath:

xmllint --xpath '//*[@id="5M_Elements"]' ./LibXml_NodeSetLimit.xml >/dev/null
XPath error : Memory allocation failed : growing nodeset hit limit

growing nodeset hit limit

XPath evaluation failure

Can the XPath code not count all of these elements toward the node limit?



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