Jonathan Clark wrote:
I could use the new release immediately, so I guess my time frame is as soon as possible.
I just had a chat with Michele, he is currently coding some features for xmlBlaster, so our natural date to create a release will be end of month / beginning first days in December.

As creating a release binds quite some time for both of us
we haven't got the resources for a quicker release.

You have the option to stick with the current svn
or buy professional support for other solutions,

thanks for understanding,

best regards

Thanks, Jonathan Jonathan Clark wrote:

    Can you give me an estimate of the next expected release date? I'd
    like to include this change, but would
rather do it with one of the official releases. Thanks,
Currently we haven't scheduled a release, what are your time frames?

Michele: Any suggestion from your side?


    >Hi all,
    >the leak is now removed and the code is available in the current svn
    >trunk. The leak was due to a change in the EventPlugin.
    >Marcel Ruff wrote:
    > Jonathan Clark wrote:
    >> Marcel,
    >> >> I'm trying to track down this specific memory leak change,
    but could
    >> not identify it in svn through the date or the svn comments.
    Any help
    >> would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
    > The leak was somewhere introduced at
    > #16357 EventPlugin notification when queue threshold is reached
    > We added a possibility to trigger arbitrary events when queues
    run full.
    > It was partly fixed some weeks ago and currently Michele does some
    > final coding on this issue,
    > regards,
    > Marcel
    >> >> Mon, 17 Sep 2007
    >> Michele wrote:
    >> Hi Marcel,
    >> you are right, a cleanup is needed when shutting down the queue.
    >> Ok, i have now commited the patch,
    >> Balázs could you please verify?
    >> thanks
    >> Marcel
    >> >> Jonathan Clark
    >> Open Roads Consulting, Inc.
    >> 757-546-3401
    >> >
    Jonathan Clark
    Open Roads Consulting, Inc.

Marcel Ruff <>
Jonathan Clark
Open Roads Consulting, Inc.

Marcel Ruff

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