Hello Evan,

The Enterprise HTML dumps should be publicly available around the 22nd and
the 3rd of each month, though there can be delays. We don't expect that to
change any time soon. As to their content or the namespaces, I can't answer
to that; someone from WIkimedia Enterprise will have to discuss their
plans. More information about their content is available at
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Enterprise and you might be able
to get a question about it answered on the corresponding discussion page.
Hope that helps to clarify things a bit.

Ariel Glenn

On Fri, May 5, 2023 at 11:54 PM Evan Lloyd New-Schmidt <e...@new-schmidt.com>

> Hi, I'm starting a project that will involve repeated processing of HTML
> wikipedia articles.
> Using the enterprise dumps seems like it would be much simpler than
> converting the XML dumps, but I don't know what the "experimental"
> status really means.
> I see in the original announcement post from a year and a half ago that
> there is a warning about bugs and downtime, but the meta wiki page and
> dumps site don't have any more information.
> Is there less of a commitment to keep posting the enterprise dumps
> compared to the database XML dumps?
> Thanks,
> Evan
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