Our application will run with approximately 1/5th of the previous memory
with the interns in (which is the difference between total success of the
project and total failure)

This indicates, that your application has a lot of hits in the map of intern'd strings. In other words, intern() is good for you. (Which I wasn't discussing.) Other applications will not have such a lot of hits. In other words, they will increase the internal map without any reason: The achieved effect may be quite the converse of the desired.

Interning is an application specific optimization. In general, it pays to leave the JVM doing its work without enforcing certain optimizations. I do not believe, that a general purpose library like XML-RPC should do things like that. That is my personal experience, which may not be yours, of course. However, note that Johns previous posting has already suggested that at least some JVM's may have a totally different behaviour than what you would expect. Besides, if interning would always help, then it could be made a JVM option.

I am still convinced that the defaults should be left as they are. However, your numbers are clearly indicating that there are good reasons for creating a new option.


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