On 5/9/06, Chris Mattmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Also, can you comment on what it means in the javadoc for 2.1-dev where it
says that the CommonsXmlRpcTransportFactory isn't thread safe?

I believe you've been misreading that. A configured
CommonsXmlRpcTransport*Factory* is thread safe. (Configuration on the
fly should not occur, though, but that seems to me to be acceptable.)

The note on thread safety is in the transport itself. Basically it
simply indicates, that a new instance has to be created for any
request. But that's exactly how it is coded.

I understand the note to tell, that a possible performance gain might
be to reuse the transport and, in particular, the commons httpclient
objects. As I do not know, how connection reuse and the like works
within this library, I can't tell you whether that is the case.
Obviously, reliability is more important than performance and so I do
think it will remain the same, at lest for version 2.


Whenever you find yourself on the side of the
majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
(Mark Twain)

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