Hi *,

sorry, I read it to quickly (I assumed that server is fixed, not the
client) ;-) As Craig said, there is a solution with making your own
handler and then from XmlRpcRequest you can get any number of

Check eg.


On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 17:44, Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Elam,
> I'm not certain about XMLRPC 3.x, but with 1.x you could override the
> execute() method for XmlRpcHandler and do this sort of thing.  We use
> it along with introspection to route calls to various places.
>  -Craig
> On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 9:39 AM, Elam Daly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Jochen,
>> just so I'm clear, are you suggesting to change my current method signature
>> from myRPC(var_1, var_2, var_x) to myRPC(Object[] obja) and then parse the
>> array and forward to the appropriate method?
>> Stano,
>> The client is using PHP and when they try and execute my RPC, they get an
>> error claiming the method doesn't exist because there isn't one matching the
>> method signature that they are trying to use.
>> If I call the calculator RPC with Object[] params = new Object[]{new
>> Integer(33), new Integer(9), new Integer(10)};. afaik that won't work
>> because the add method is only expecting 2 parameters, not 3.
> --
> http://inconnu.islug.org/~ink finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block

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