
you are right, there is a bug in FAQ.
the point is, that you can not cast the result of the XML RPC call, in your

return (String []) windows.getInstances(category);

is the problem.
You have to transform the result to String[] as described in the FAQ (but
without the cast in the first line of FAQ example)

If you have any further questions, pls, ask ;-)


On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 19:06, <christopher.coo...@rsa.com> wrote:

> I am continuing this from my bug post (sorry).
> I am having difficulty with an array not being cast properly. I have done
> what is outlined on here as far as I can tell.
> http://ws.apache.org/xmlrpc/faq.html#arrays
> This is the issue I opened for some background info
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XMLRPC-178
> I have done what is in the last comment, and I am still getting the class
> cast exception, I am really unsure where to go from here and any help would
> be much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> _________________
> Christopher Cooper
> Performance Engineer
> RSA Security
> 781-515-7141

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